Monday, July 20, 2009

Monday, July 20, 2009:.

Today is a rest day for our team, as we prepare for our bronze medal game with Brazil on Tuesday at 4 PM. It should be a good game for us, but that will be determined by the team and their attitude and preparation mentally and emotionally.

I would like to discuss a little bit about our overall philosophy with regards to our team. From the very beginning, at our pre-camp training, we have been stressing to them the importance of not only the team being the superstar, but more importantly, the ability to think when they have the ball at their feet and when they don't have it at their feet. Thinking 3 plays ahead of the situation, so they are always prepared mentally to do what is necessary with and without the ball. Along with that, we wanted them to start thinking off the field as well and learning to stand on their own two feet and make decisions and choices that were important to the overall landscape of this team. My reasoning for allowing them time to themselves after our loss to Argentina and throughout the day today, was to see what choices they would make. We gave them the parameters to do what they pleased, but with the understanding, that it is the choices they would be making that would help to create either a good or bad situation for tomorrow's game. It is about choices, just as Shakespeare wrote in Hamlet, "the choices we make dictate the lives we thine ownself be true". Nothing could be more appropriately stated than this, with reference to athletes and athletic teams. I want our kids to start thinking and stop just reacting to situations that arise, that could be detrimental to the welfare of the overall team concept. That is why we said what we said yesterday to the kids. It had absolutely nothing to do with liking or disliking anyone, or whether we won or lost. But, rather it had to do with learning to think about the team, rather than themselves!

There was a parent confrontation yesterday at our hotel that is not worthy of mentioning, other than to say it was extremely callous, disrespectful and without validity to me and my son!

Now, to the important aspect of our trip..,..the nightly spades game with my son, Adam Cooper(youth boys coach), Ami Monson (Maccabi USA Program Director) and sometimes, Barry Kaplan (Junior girls coach). This has been the most fun and entertaining thing each and every night. Sometimes, these games go until 4 AM! Ami, has kept us all in stitches with his falling asleep in between hands. One time he even fell out of his chair and then he woke up, only to fall asleep once again. The pairings were in the beginning Sean and I against Coop and Ami, but we needed to change sides because we were always winning. Sean is an outstanding player, so he teamed with Ami and they proceeded to kick our buts all the time until last night, whenCoop and I kicked theirs really bad! So the sun really does not shine up the same dogs rear all the time!

So, as we wind down our time here in Israel, it is our hope that each of our players has had a very meaningful experience, as well as a rewarding soccer experience. We believe we have not only taught them about the game of soccer, but about life lessons of what it means to come together as a team and function as one with correct thoughts and choices. Sometimes you must make mistakes in order to succeed. This is one of those moments!

Take care and stay well! Honey, we will be home in a few days and I can't wait! I love you and miss you and my family very much.

Best regards,
Preston and Sean from Israel

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